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Hale and Hines Nursery

Hale and Hines Pot-in-pot operation, showing trees growing in 30-gallon containers in the nursery.

Hale and Hines Nursery is located in McMinnville,TN an area that is traditionally regarded as the “heart’ of the nursery industry in the Eastern US. Hale and Hines Nursery was established in 1978 by J.T. Hale and Terry Hines. Our first pot-in-pot (PnP) tree production began in the spring of 2003.

In addition Hale and Hines has 400 acres of field grown nursery stock. We produce a large range of shade and flowering trees, including 27 varieties of maple, 9 varieties of flowering cherry, 10 varieties of redbud, 18 varieties of flowering dogwood, pyramidal hornbeam, green giant arborvitae, and yoshino cryptomeria.

Hales and Hines is a major producer of Dogwood (Cornus florida cultivars), but also produces a wide range of shrubs and trees in 10, 15, 30 and 45-gallon containers.  They use a 75% pine bark: 25% recycled waste paper substrate in his containers.  Since rooting volumes are more limited, and because of the soilless substrate, irrigation scheduling is much more rapid than in field soils.  Leaching of nutrients from containers is likely without careful irrigation scheduling.